Summer 2024 ICPV Construction Update

Asalamu Alaykum brothers and sisters, we hope inshallah you have had a blessed summer. By the grace of Allah, ICPV has been undergoing productive steps towards building the Masjid building's exterior structure very soon inshallah.

We’ve alhamdulillah had all the underground plumbing installed, which will provide water to our wudu areas, restrooms, warming kitchen, water fountains and more.

In preparation for the building's cement slab pouring, metal rebar and vapor barrier were placed for reinforcement and protection.

Alhamdullilah the Masjid's cement slab was successfully poured, set, and cured, making the floor ready for both exterior and interior construction.

Stay tuned for more construction updates coming soon inshallah. If you would like to receive the continuous ajir (rewards) by contributing towards building the house of Allah in Portage, Michigan, please consider donating at the link below and making duaa for us. Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated, and inshallah will have a great reward in the eyes of Allah. Jazakum Allahu kulla Khair. 


ICPV Building Exterior Construction Completion - Fall 2024 Update


Ramadan & Spring 2024 Progress Update